Expo There is something in my room

Sachia Pereira Stolle - There is something in my room

The art project ‘there is something in my room’ takes you back to your teenage years. Five visual artists create a teenager room that serves as a home base for their work during the BUT Film Festival. You will find an explosion of works that play with everything that changes at this age, such as your body and your relationship to the world. The artists are present as characters in a story that unfolds during these five days. KOP selected Emmie Liebregts as a curator for this project, she brought together a temporary artists’ collective consisting of: Dakota Havard, Sofie Hollander, Ian Skirvin, Joey Sepers and Sachia Pereira Stolle.

Opening hours:
Thursday 1 till Saturday 4 sept. - 15:30 till 22:00h
Sunday 5 sept - 15:30 till 18:00h


Wed 1st of September, 19.00hrs.  -  Sun 5th of September, 18.00hrs.